
Is kinesiology a Good Major?

Kinesiology is a type of therapy focused on biofeedback (muscle monitoring) to determine imbalances in the body that may be causing diseases in the body. This studies how stress, nutrition or minor injuries may affect the body and tries to correct this imbalance, but does not diagnose disease conditions.

As a course, Kinesiology studies physical activities and exercise science in relation to their effect on human health. Combining these subjects, kinesiology helps improve the quality of life through the prevention of diseases and increased exercise. Kinesiology combines anatomy, chemistry, physiology, nutrition, and Public health to understand how the body works properly and the best types of exercise that would contribute to a healthier lifestyle. 

Kinesiology studies the mechanics of the motion of the human body, the different forms and types of exercise and their impact on our health and well-being.

Why Study Kinesiology?

One of the major factors affecting our work, social and general health is stress. Since these are one of the biggest parts of our daily lives, they constantly demand our full attention and involvement, and as a result, we need to remember to take proper care of our minds and bodies, which is where Kinesiology comes in. 

Kinesiology helps identify tension in our muscles caused by stress and offers relaxation techniques to help relieve us of the stress and improve our mood, health and general well-being. This combines anatomy, biomechanics, and psychology principles using a holistic approach to help increase the physical motility of victims, applying exercise and nutrition when necessary.

Benefits of Studying Kinesiology

Kinesiology has been increasingly popular over the past few decades, thanks to its impact on society and its application in various areas such as health, fitness, recreation and sports. 

Kinesiology opens students to the field of health and wellness, using a different approach from the normal scientific research methods, rather using a physical and mental research approach which involves three major fields of study;

Fitness & Nutrition

To properly understand the human body, kinesiology studies the eating habits and nutrition of stress victims. Since food is a major factor in human health and fitness, it has to be properly understood, knowing the importance and application of the different types of food and how they affect our health.

Exercise Science

As a remedy to ill health and poor fitness, kinesiology recommends exercises and fitness activities for patients to help improve their health. To properly do this, they must understand the application and results of different types and forms of exercise.

Physical Therapy 

Kinesiology helps maintain good health both physically and mentally through reflexotherapy, therapeutic recovery, lymphatic damage, massage, and various other physical therapy techniques.

Career Opportunities in Kinesiology.

Kinesiology prepares students for various health-related careers, giving graduates proper training in both physical and mental therapy that would help them excel in sports, fitness and the general Healthcare industry.

With an Associate, Bachelor’s, Master’s or Doctorate in kinesiology, you have the opportunity to work in various industries, taking up a career as;

  • Personal Trainer
  • Fitness Instructor
  • Exercise Physiologist 
  • Kinesiologist
  • Dietician
  • Athletic Director
  • Prosthetist
  • Research Scientist
  • Physical Therapist
  • Chiropractor
  • Occupational Therapist 

Back to the question of if kinesiology is a good Major, the clear answer is yes, it is free, it is diverse, and it is one of the key solutions to the major health issues we are having today, which is stress.

What do you think?

Written by Admin

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